Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sweet Links

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Shadows by Star Roman Miami photographerPhoto above, Shadows by Star Roman

Some Saturday morning link candy. Enjoy!

5 Reasons Self-Love is not selfish

The Random Exhibit Title Generator. Never know when you may need this puppy.

Gorgeous photography, sets and costumes.

All I have to say is mmmmmm, freaking mmmmm.

Graphic design can change your life.

Yarn bombing. I wish this was done to my car.

Allison Schulnik's work is so strong and tactile...

This reminds me of Saturday morning cartoons. In the old cartoon, when I was little, she was my favorite and I'd never miss an episode.

Thought this was a cool idea.

Awwww: Mamma Biscuit (via)

Hey, it's honest: A lesson while baking cookies...

Have an amazing weekend everyone!

*No money, items or incentives were received for this post or any links. But if anyone wants to send over chocolate, that's cool. Photography in this post belongs to and is credited to Inanimate Art.



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