Sunday, December 9, 2012

Monday Love: Textures (& Circles)

Post oleh : Web3 | Rilis : 9:44 PM | Series :
My iphone is full of random (some useful, many not) photos of textures and everyday objects. As I was looking through and deleting a few last night, I saw these which I had forgotten about but found interesting: textures and patterns in the everyday....and yes, I couldn't help myself and I put all the pictures in circles. I've been inspired by that darn (awesome) afterglow app I've been playing around with. For some reason, sometimes, everything looks better in a circle. :)

Pictures below in order: a piece of cut wood, black ink in the sink, car windshield at night, the street, beach sand (on an unsuccessful tanning day), and a tree trunk.

I hope to be back this week with some holiday tag freebies, and there may be a lot of glitter involved.



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