Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sweet Links

Post oleh : Web3 | Rilis : 8:11 AM | Series :
paper squid blog and instagramI really hope you're all having a long and amazing weekend. Today I'm sharing a few quick links I found inspiring and interesting, hope you will too.

Achieving with excitement

UN Resolution looks to give "Mother Earth" same rights as humans

This was posted a little while ago but still worth sharing:
Candy Chang: Before I Die

A home being lifted with weather balloons, (also from a bit ago but worth checking out). Just makes me happy. (via)

Great link for non-toxic homemade cleaning products (oh vinegar). (via)

Tall Painting. (via)

I Always Wondered. (via)

Meow Mania, haha.

Hmm, interesting. For writers.

Hmm, I'd love to know your thoughts on this.

This might come in handy for my garden when I'm traveling.

Let me know what you think.



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